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Coding Foundation

Become a software engineer in 16 weeks

Join the most affordable code school. Learn in-demand skills.

Person coding with two laptops on a desk.

Our grads get jobs

Coding bootcamp graduates typically get jobs within 5 months on average with an average salary of $104,000 in San Francisco and $86,900 in New York.

Person coding in front of a large monitor, sipping coffee.

The most affordable coding school available

We offer the lowest tuition for any full-stack coding bootcamp anywhere in the market. Our goal with this is to make education and a career change as accessible as possible.


How much does the course cost?

The entire 16-week course costs only $1,000 in total. We're striving to offer the most affordable coding bootcamp.

Is the course full-time?

Yes, the course is a full-time commitment. All 16 weeks of the course are held remotely. You are expected to be present Monday-Friday, from 10am CST to 7pm CST.

Do I need prior coding experience to be accepted?

No, you don't need any prior coding experience to be accepted. We have built prepwork to get you ready before the first day of class.